Chiropractor, Physical & Massage Therapy in Greeley, CO
Accelerated Rehab Therapy (A.R.T) is located in Greeley, Fort Collins and in the student Health Center at UNC, CO. We can provide rehab therapy to patients no matter what their medical needs are. Our specialties are Chiropractic, Chiropractic Rehabilitation medical/therapeutic massage and medical acupuncture. We can also help with personal injuries, auto injuries, sports injuries, slip and fall injuries, and work injuries. For auto cases, we do Medical Liens, auto insurance claims, and commercial insurance. We take many other commercial insurances
We take a whole-body approach to your wellness rather than focusing on only one part of your body. We accept all major insurance carriers and we can work with you to help you determine what your benefits will be. We also speak Spanish.
Cost to you will be whatever your copay is and on some occasions a co-insurance. We will check your benefits for you in-office and let you know how much you will need to pay at the time of your visit and how many visits per year your insurance allows. We also accept self-pay patients without insurance or who carry insurance who will not contract with us.